Päiväkirjasta jutun tynkää :)

Tää on kirjotettu Thaimaassa tiistaina 7.2.2012 ...tää teksti on kopioitu sellasesta kirjasta ku "second chance"(kirjailijaa ens muista, mut joku englantilainen höpöhöpökirjojen kirjottaja:):

"I'm living the life that makes me happy and wouldn't you say that's the most important thing of all? I can honestly say I love my life and how many people do you know who can say that? ..."Can you?..."But are you happy?"

"Is anyone? As a concept it's great but, honestly, I think most of the time I'm just getting on with life.Sure, at times I'm happy, but happy all the time? I think it's unrealistic"

"That's the point. While I can't say I'm happy all the time, I can say I'm happy most of the time. I wake up in the morning and I love my life. I enjoy all of it.That's why I do it. If I wake up one day and decide that's now's the time to settle down and buy a house, have 2.4 children and everything that comes with it, I'm sure I'll do it.But right now this is what makes me feel good"


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